Rekab Kazan Squirrel 320S Pointed Mop |
The Rekab brushes are superbly made and are surprisingly affordable considering the quality. These brushes have a quill ferrule wrapped four times with brass wire and short black handles. You can paint all day without having to recharge the brush.They come to a very sharp point and you can paint the tiniest of details with them or do large juicy washes. Unlike other squirrel mops that I have tried they are not a floppy brush. I have an Isebey Squirrel Quill that I like but for my purposes this brush outperforms the Isabey every time. I did bring these to an Alvaro Castagnet workshop I attended and he said these were very, very nice brushes.
The only place I know to purchase these is through Armadillo Arts . You need to send them a request for prices on these brushes. To give you an idea I paid $24 + shipping for the #4.
Happy painting!