Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Favorite Brush

I had mentioned a few weeks ago on my Face Book page that I had bought a new brush and I received a flurry of emails in reference to what exactly it is, could I post a photo, where did I get it and why do I like it. So I thought a perfect subject for today would be about my favorite brush. I am primarily a watercolorist and I adore my brushes. I have only a few that I use regularly. As you may know any good quality natural hair brush is very expensive but well worth the investment. My most used brushes are my Rekab Kazan 320S Pointed Squirrel Mops. I use the #4 and the # 8 most often and an Escoda Tajmyr Sable in a #8. For today I am going to talk about the Rekab Mops.
Rekab Kazan Squirrel 320S Pointed Mop

The Rekab brushes are superbly made and are surprisingly affordable considering the quality. These brushes have a quill ferrule wrapped four times with brass wire and short black handles. You can paint all day without having to recharge the brush.They come to a very sharp point and you can paint the tiniest of details with them or do large juicy washes. Unlike other squirrel mops that I have tried they are not a floppy brush. I have an Isebey Squirrel Quill that I like but for my purposes this brush outperforms the Isabey every time. I did bring these to an Alvaro Castagnet workshop I attended and he said these were very, very nice brushes.
The only place I know to purchase these is through Armadillo Arts . You need to send them a request for prices on these brushes. To give you an idea I paid $24 + shipping for the #4.

Happy painting!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Back To Regular Blog Updates

   As many of you have noticed I have a name change now. Due to divorce I have decided  to change back to my maiden name which is Bollman. So my new business name is Deborah Bollman Fine Art.
  After a very productive holiday season painting lots of portrait commissions I took January off from my regular blog updates. Now that all of my portraits are completed and gift certificates redeemed I can turn my attention back to my watercolor.  Once I get through the holiday commissions my attention for a good portion of the winter turns to working/improving  on technique, studying color theory and implementing my new business plan for the year and marketing.

      I am starting the year with a nice line-up of events including two solo exhibits, a return to the Maplebrook School Art Show in May and a 3 day watercolor workshop with renowned watercolorist,  David Taylor. I have a few other irons in the fire and will update you as information becomes available. So bookmark or subscribe to my newsletter if you would like updates. To subscribe.. Deborah Bollman Fine Art Newsletter.

   In addition, I am teaching a bi-monthly Artist Marketing Salon for local artists based on Alyson B. Stanfield's book, I'd Rather be in the Studio. Our first meeting was last Friday and we had a really great turnout of wonderful local artists and artisans. I will be highlighting each of them in my upcoming blog posts.

  Watercolor classes are back in action. Classes are Tuesday evening at the Front Street Gallery in Patterson, NY . They run from 6:30 - 9:30.  Drops ins are welcome. Contact me for more info at

Snowy Barn, © D.Bollman, Watercolor, 7 x 9

A Good Scratch, ©D.Bollman, Acrylic, 8 x 10, SOLD


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